Thursday, September 5, 2013

Don't Feel Bad for Me, I Want You to Know

Hello again. Some of you may remember that sometime last fall I started a weekly blog and then inexplicably stopped after a few months. Well, here's an explanation at last. If you new readers go back far enough to my first post, you'll get a real good idea of why I started the blog in the first place, as a coping mechanism for that depression thing I was doing in my spare time. After a while my life started to really pick up and I realized I just didn't need the blog anymore to get through the once rough days. Well, fear not, loyal readers, for the blog MUST RETURN!

No, I'm not depressed again., nothing's definite, but there have been many a great change in my life since I shut the blog down and many more ch-ch-changes to come in the near-future, and with them the need to chronicle them. Also, it's good practice for my writing, which I've been slacking on, so maybe a weekly exercise like this will help get me back on track. And since I'm a bit of a shut-in, this will help you all continue to get to know me better when we're not Skype-drinking, or drinking downtown, or having a couple beers while...boy I drink a lot, huh? 

So you old readers may notice this blog has a new name. I decided to change it 'cause fuck that old name. I'm using my soon-to-be-old Tumblr name, once I actually take the time to delete my profile and never return to that God forsaken site. I may blog about my new crusade against Tumblr in future posts, but for now I just wanted to write an introduction to PHASE 2 of my blogging. This way I'll have no choice but to post again soon. Seriously, I've been trying to start this up again for the past month but always lost focus. Writing's hard, brah. 

To satisfy you until my first official new post, please enjoy this video of the best thing ever:

                                                   Do you got the moves like Jagger?

Good night Denise!

P.S. I'm now the proud owner of a pair of red plaid skinny jeans. And honey, you should see me in 'em.

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